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Events in Florence and the Municipality, events taking place today, in the summer and in 2023

All the events in Florence and the Municipality today, in the summer and in 2023: exhibitions, concerts, festivals, historic feasts, fairs, music festivals, Christmas and carnival.

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Festa della Gnoccata - Serpiolle Florence Festa della Gnoccata - Serpiolle (Florence)

Events running from 5 to 8 October 2023

The Festa della Gnoccata is held every year at the beginning of October in Serpiolle, a district of Florence, gathering many fans of Tuscan cuisine. The menu of the party & egrave; marked by the enhancement of local products and gastronomy, with a particular dedication to polenta. Every evening concerts and shows

Festa Biancoverde - Firenze Festa Biancoverde - Viottolone della Villa Reale di Castello - Firenze

Festa in corso dal 15 giugno al 2 luglio 2023

Il programma musicale della festa è ricchissimo proponendo ogni giorno alle 21.30 musica di differenti generi con concerti di band locali e tribute band; ci sono anche dj set. Inoltre una corsa podistica, un torneo di pallavolo, un'esibizione di ginnastica artistica e l'area espositori dei piccoli artigiani.

Exhibition Arte moderna e contemporanea. Antologia scelta 2023 Florence Arte moderna e contemporanea. Antologia scelta 2023 - Tornabuoni Arte, Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 3 - Florence

Exhibition running from 1 December 2022 to 24 November 2023

Tornabuoni Arte punctually returns to present its Anthology, a selection of the most important works of modern and contemporary art, which the gallery has selected over the last year. The anthological exhibition will be held in the two Italian locations in Florence and Milan.

Exhibition Ipostudio Architetti. Era di Maggio FlorenceIpostudio Architetti. Era di Maggio - Museo del Novecento, Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 10 - Florence

Exhibition running from 13 May to 11 October 2023

On the occasion of the eleventh appointment of The Architect's Table - the exhibition featuring famous architects and internationally renowned studios in the loggia on the ground floor of the former Leopoldine - the Museo del Novecento is hosting the exhibition that celebrates the forty years of activity; of the Florentine studio led by Carlo Terpolilli.

Exhibition Y.Z. Kami. Light, Gaze, Presence FlorenceLight, Gaze, Presence - Museo del Novecento, Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 10 - Florence

Exhibition running from 17 February to 24 September 2023

The Museo del Novecento presents an exhibition by Y.Z. Kami (Tehran, 1956) with a selection of works exhibited for the first time in Florence in some of the city's symbolic places: Museo Novecento, Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Museo degli Innocenti and, exceptionally, in the millenary Abbey of San Miniato al Monte .

Exhibition Rachel Feinstein in Florence FlorenceRachel Feinstein in Florence - Museo del Novecento, Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 10 - Florence

Exhibition running from 9 June to 18 September 2023

The Museo del Novecento brings to the city; a monograph by Rachel Feinstein (Fort Defiance, Arizona, 1971) which presents a series of works exhibited for the first time in Florence in some of the symbolic places of the city: Stefano Bardini Museum, Palazzo Medici Riccardi and Museo Marino Marini.

Festa del Mugello - Florence Festa del Mugello - Giardino del Tuscany Hall, Lungarno Aldo Moro, 3 - Florence

Events running from 18 May to 17 September 2023

The appointment for all is; in the evening starting from 19.00 with the opening of the kitchens of the food stands serving specialities; Tuscan. For the most; children there are games, the swing, the small houses, the climbing, the ping pong and table football. In the evening there are often live music concerts or dj sets.

Exhibition The Messages of Gravity. Luca Pozzi FlorenceThe Messages of Gravity. Luca Pozzi - Museo del Novecento, Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 10 - Florence

Exhibition running from 2 March to 13 September 2023

The Museo del Novecento presents - in conjunction with the exhibition  Lucio Fontana. L’origine du monde - the exhibition The Messages of Gravity by Luca Pozzi (1983), a satellite project in orbit around the universe of Lucio Fontana.

Exhibition Sogni. Cecilia Cosci FlorenceSogni. Cecilia Cosci - Crumb Gallery, Via San Gallo, 191 - Florence

Exhibition running from 27 May to 8 July 2023

At the Crumb Gallery an exhibition by Cecilia Cosci, a Florentine artist who has been working for some years on the construction of montage, with characters and images, cut out of pictorial works acquired from the history of the city; art, from the fourteenth to the twentieth century, and reformulated in new compositions.

Exhibition Pulchritudo. Marco Cipolli FlorencePulchritudo. Marco Cipolli - ZAG Zanaga Art Gallery, Via Baccio da Montelupo, 14 - Florence

Exhibition running from 29 May to 30 June 2023

The painting exhibition of Marco Cipolli inaugurates a new exhibition space in Florence directed by the art historian and critic Giovanna M. Carli who contributed in the 2000s to the birth of one of the most important art galleries in the nation, that of the Regional Council of Tuscany. It is an exhibition of ten pictorial works and a ceramic, a decorated plate, created for the occasion.

Firenze Rocks - Parco delle Cascine - Florence Firenze Rocks - Parco delle Cascine - Florence

Events running from 17 to 18 June 2023

Firenze Rocks is held every year in June at the Visarno Arena in Parco delle Cascine in Florence. The festival brings together many rock music enthusiasts from all over the world thanks to an organization that has managed to get the most famous names of the Tuscan capital to arrive in the Tuscan capital. important players on the world rock scene.

Festa del Ranocchio - Brozzi Florence) Festa del Ranocchio - Brozzi (Florence)

Events taking place on 27 and 28 May and 3 and 4 June 2023

The Sagra del Ranocchio is held every year in Brozzi, a suburb of Florence, gathering many enthusiasts also from nearby towns. The menu of the party & egrave; marked by the enhancement of Brozzi's dishes with a particular dedication to the frog, served fried. In addition to this, it will be possible to taste sheep specialties such as stewed or grilled sheep.

Sagra del Tartufo - San Jacopo al Girone (Fiesole) Sagra del Tartufo - San Jacopo al Girone (Fiesole)

Events running from 25 to 30 May 2023

The Truffle Festival is held in May in San Jacopo al Girone attracting enthusiasts of Tuscan cuisine every year. On the menu there are truffle-based dishes such as truffle beef tartae, truffle lasagna, gnocchi with taleggio cheese and truffles . But there are also traditional Tuscan meat dishes such as tagliata, steaks and grilled.

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