Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence: buy skip-the-line tickets online
Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence: buying skip-the-line tickets online for the visit. Collect your ticket at the entrance and skip the line. Could include audio guide in English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Chinese.
Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum - Florence
Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum: € 36 per person.

The Uffizi Gallery Collection includes works dating from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Among the exhibited artists Giotto, Piero della Francesca, Beato Angelico, Mantegna, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Filippo Lippi, Botticelli and Caravaggio.
The history of the Uffizi Gallery is linked to the Medici family, bankers who rose to power in the 15th century and governed Florence for centuries, collecting works of art by the greatest artists of the time.
Unfortunately, given the concentration of works of art - it exhibits the largest collection of Renaissance works - entering the Uffizi always involves a wait that can reach hours. But by buying the skip-the-line ticket, the wait can be greatly reduced or even eliminated.
Furthermore, if you select the App available to download on your mobile phone, you will be able to take an in-depth tour of the Gallery, following your own pace and with all the time available, totally immersing yourself in the masterpieces you will encounter along the way, listening to the audio comments of the app.
What is included in the Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence
– Entrance to the Uffizi with priority access.
– Ticket delivery service.
– Pop-Guide app for the self-guided tour (if selected).
– Audio guide app on your smartphone (if selected).
– Access to temporary exhibitions.
Meeting point of Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence
– Skip the line ticket: 15 minutes before the booked time directly to the Uffizi Gallery by showing the access code on the voucher at the ticket office, entrance 3.
– Skip-the-line ticket with audio guide: 30 minutes before the booked time at the agency in Lungarno degli Acciaiuoli 10/nero to collect the tickets (do not go directly to the museum entrance with your voucher).
Duration of the visit with the Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence
– Free during museum hours.
Times and days for the Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence
– Museum hours and days.
Languages available for the app audio-guided visit to the Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence
– English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese.
Terms of cancellation of the Ticket Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence
– Booking does not offer a refund or changes or cancellations once the ticket has been purchased.
Accessibility and useful information for theTicket Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence
– Accessible for people with reduced mobility and in wheelchairs. The normal entrance involves climbing 4 flights of stairs to reach the second floor of the Gallery.
Visitors with motor disabilities and other disabilities can use the accessible entrance located at the Uffizi reception desk (so-called “Vasari Auditorium”) where there is an elevator that leads directly to the second floor of the Gallery.
– Comfortable shoes suggested. |
Works from the Collection of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence
The Uffizi Gallery Collection includes works dating from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Among the exhibited artists Giotto, Piero della Francesca, Beato Angelico, Mantegna, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Filippo Lippi, Botticelli and Caravaggio.

The Uffizi Gallery Collection has no equal in the world when it comes to Renaissance artists; the patronage of the Medici family quickly created a collection of works signed by the greatest artists of the time, today considered unreachable geniuses such as Michelangelo or Leonardo.
The itinerary of the visit starts from the second floor where there are 45 rooms arranged along the U-shaped plan of the building along which a long corridor runs. This is the floor that houses the major works in the collection: it starts with ancient statues and paintings that belonged to the Medici Collection. In these rooms there are the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Lippi, Pollaiolo, Perugino, Signorelli, Bellini, Giorgione, Mantegna and Correggio.
Capolavori della Collezione della Galleria degli Uffizi
– Cimabue: Majesty of Santa Trìnita (1280-1300)
– Giotto di Bondone: All Saints Majesty (1310)
– Fra' Angelico: Coronation of the Virgin (1434), Thebaid (1420)
– Masolino: Sant'Anna Metterza (1424), Madonna of the tickle (1426)
– Masaccio: Child and the Virgin
– Piero della Francesca: Double portrait of the Dukes of Urbino
– Paolo Uccello: Battle of San Romano
– Botticelli: 15 works including The Birth of Venus, Spring, Madonna in Glory of Seraphim (1469), Madonna of the Rose Garden (1469), Portrait of a Man with Medal by Cosimo the Elder (1475), Madonna of the Magnificat (1483 ), Madonna of the Pomegranate (1487), San Barnaba Altarpiece (1487), San Marco Altarpiece (1490)
– Leonardo Da Vinci: Adoration of the Magi, Baptism of Christ, Annunciation
– Titian: Venus of Urbino (1538), Portrait of the bishop of Bologna Beccadelli (1552)
– Caravaggio: Medusa (1597), Bacchus (1598),
– Atermisia Gentileschi: Judith beheading Holofernes (1620)
– Rembrandt: Portrait of a rabbi (1665) |
History of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence
The history of the Uffizi Gallery is linked to the Medici family, bankers who rose to power in the 15th century and governed Florence for centuries, collecting works of art by the greatest artists of the time.
The Medici family used to commission the greatest artists of the time with works of art which were then exhibited in their palace.
In 1560, however, Cosimo I de' Medici brought together the 13 most important Florentine magistracies, called Uffici, in a single space that could be more easily supervised by him. The choice of location therefore obviously fell alongside the seat that had been the seat of power since the Republic of Florence, Palazzo Vecchio.
In charge of the project was the artist and architect Giorgio Vasari who designed a U-shaped building facing south on the Arno just near Ponte Vecchio. Furthermore, Vasari connected Palazzo Pitti to Ponte Vecchio and the Uffizi to Palazzo Vecchio with the famous Vasari Corridor. Once the building was completed, the magistrates took office but, as early as 1581, the top floor was destined to house the works of the Medici collection which continued to grow until 1743 when the last male heir of the Medici, Gian Gastone, died. His sister, Anna Maria Luisa, survived him for 6 years, before extinguishing the dynasty forever, but she put them out well because she obtained from her successors, the Lorraines, the promise that the collection would remain in Florence forever.
Pietro Leopoldo di Lorena decided to open the Uffizi Gallery to the public in 1769, creating the museum we know today. |
How to reach the Uffizi Gallery in Florence
The Uffizi Gallery is located in the square of the same name next to the central Piazza della Signoria, right in the center of Florence.
Arrive by train
From Santa Maria Novella Station you can reach it on foot in about 15 minutes (1400 m).
Arrive by bus
The closest bus stop is the Uffizi Gallery on the C1 line (210 meters from the Gallery).
Arrive by car
The closest car parks are Garage Palazzo Vecchio, Garage dei Tintori, Garage Lungarno (for a fee). They are located just 300 meters on foot from the Uffizi Gallery. |